

Preventing Child-on-Child Abuse

In June 2021, Ofsted published a rapid review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges. It recommends that schools, colleges and multi-agency partners act as though sexual harassment and online sexual abuse are happening, even when there are no specific reports. This is because the review has revealed how prevalent sexual harassment and online sexual abuse are for children and young people. In light of this, even where school and college leaders do not have specific information that indicates sexual harassment and online sexual abuse are problems for their children and young people, they should act on the assumption that they are. Leaders should take a whole-school/college approach to developing a culture where all kinds of sexual harassment and online sexual abuse are recognised and addressed.

The document which can be viewed or download below, demonstrates how we commit to ensuring that child-on-child abuse is prevented in our school.

working pro actively to prevent child on child abuse at cranfield church of england academy.pdf