Online Safety
At Cranfield Church of England Academy we recognise the important role that modern technology plays in children's learning and know that the internet can provide a rich and wonderful resource to support and enhance learning.
As part of our school's approach to teaching children how to use modern technology responsibly, we teach children the importance of keeping safe and to understand how to do this when using the internet and electronic devices. We have a comprehensive On-Line Safety Policy which is available to view below.
- Online Safety Policy and Acceptable User Policy - add link
Below we have provided links to some of the many resources available on the web where you can learn about On-Line Safety.
Our Favourite Resources
Internet Matters is one of the best online safety guides on the internet. If you only visit one website on this list, make it this one. Features a huge amount of guides on social networks, online gaming and apps as well as comprehensive guides on how to setup and use parental controls and privacy settings on a huge range of devices. Highly recommended:
The Net Aware and Share Aware websites from NSPCC have some great guides to the social networks, online games and websites that children might be using as well as resources to help you have those difficult conversations with your children about online safety. They also have a newsletter you can sign up for to keep up to date with new social networks, apps and more:
CEOP's Thinkuknow website has a dedicated section for parents which contains some useful resources and also help and advice should you need to report an incident:
The National Online Safety website has some great platform guides to help you learn more about some of the games, apps and websites that children are using:
Knowing what games are suitable for your children can be difficult. The PEGI (Pan European Game Information) website will explain their age ratings and content indicators allowing you to make informed decisions.
We have also included a link the the American ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) site which fulfils a similar role but can have more comprehensive reports should you sill be unsure.
Online gaming is on the rise and is proving especially popular with young children. Take a look at the comprehensive guide provided by Childline if you have any questions or concerns about keeping your children safe when they are playing with other people online.
- PEGI (Pan European Game Information)
- ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board)
- Childline's Online Gaming Safety Guide